
What I Think About When I Think About Customer Success

I’ve been involved with Customer Success Software for a while now and sometimes I make the mistake of thinking everyone understands what Customer Success is all about  . So, to clarify, here is what I think about when I think about Customer Success… In SaaS, REVENUE COMPOUNDS, this is the 9th wonder of the world […]

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Buying Customer Success Software? Who Needs to Be Involved?

Implementing a Customer Success platform will resonate across the business so the CEO should make the ultimate call on where to invest but who else should have oversight of or influence on the decision …

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Is the Customer Journey Over?

Customer journey modelling and a belief in the efficacy of applying a structured journey to customer engagement through time is deeply ingrained in SaaS culture. That Customer Journeys deliver greater Customer Lifetime value is an article of faith for many. Why is this? Is it time to look to some other, better way of maintaining […]

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As a Startup: How Quickly Can You Implement a Customer Success Software Platform?

As a startup you don’t have the luxury of behaving like an Enterprise business and spending months (or longer) on implementing software that is going to be key to your growth, you’re also likely looking for less complex and expensive tools with the agility to match your own. There are 2 elements to how long […]

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Do Small SaaS Startups Need Dedicated Customer Success Software?

Maybe, maybe not, but the fact that you are a Startup is not the reason to avoid it. Plus, you probably don’t plan on staying small … don’t make your decision purely on budget — while there are CS software vendors out there that require $50k+ annual up-front payments, a Startup can acquire an excellent solution for […]

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The Startups’ Guide to Buying Customer Success Software

Who this article is for: SaaS Startups looking to purchase Customer Success (CS) software but limit their spend to under $300 per month. “Thanks for reaching out, unfortunately we don’t feel you’re a fit at this present time…” . Startups looking to invest in Customer Success software hear this all the time! The vendor’s SDR takes one […]

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Akita’s Guide to Dublin for SaaStock 2019 Attendees

In preparation for SaaStock Dublin, we asked our Co-founder, recovering Archaeologist and one time Dublin Tour Guide Barry Devon to suggest 7 things to keep you busy around the event.

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6 Customer Success Takeaways from SaaStock 2018

It was November 2015, team Akita was attending a SaaS meetup at Intercom HQ in Dublin, and co-founder of SaaScribe Alex Theuma let the crowd in on a little secret: he was planning a brand new conference for the SaaS community. Fast forward three years and SaaStock is the biggest event of its kind in […]

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Data-Driven Customer Success

According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar, our primate brains can only maintain stable relationships with around 150 people—beyond that, we begin to struggle. That definitely resonates with those of us that forget a person’s name as soon as we’re introduced. It seems logical that a similar challenge faces us when managing our customers.

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